Why Use a Box

Why use a Perry de Montaignac box?

We provide beautiful custom-made Wedding Dress Boxes in which to store and protect your lovely dress in a traditional and natural way, thus sealing it off from harmful environmental effects. We combine the romance of a special wedding box with a ‘pH neutral’ environment for safe long-term protection of the fabric.

Our tissue paper wrapping is also acid free.

Textile experts have advised that this is the optimum storage condition to ensure that your dress will be properly protected in a box which lasts a lifetime.

Beautiful memories in a box!

Perry de Montaignac’s Wedding Dress Box is made from specially milled pH neutral board which contains neither acid nor alkali. Most items around us contain acid or alkali, so if fabrics are in contact with items such as wood or the cardboard of a normal box (or dyes in fabrics which contain acid) there will be ‘yellowing’ and discolouring of your dress fabric after several years.

Our boxing, which is of robust and resilient board and paper, provides fantastic protection against any accident and allows your dress to breathe … unlike those which are wrapped in plastic covers! Our box also protects from dust and light which can fade and mark your dress. We want your dress to remain an untarnished reminder of your very special day so you can share it with your grandchildren!

NB – we believe the “Royal Ivory” box is a beautiful design for a wedding dress and hence recommend it.